What is the importance of life skills education?

Importance Of Life Skills Education:- Life skills are the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable human beings to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. Any skill that makes life easier is called a life skill. Skills are needed to live life. Life skills are the art of cultivating and developing positive behavioural abilities that enable a person to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of daily life. These life skills can be learned and improved.

Importance Of Life Skills Education

  • In the all-round development of the child,
  • In the change of orthodox views,
  • To develop self-awareness and self-awareness,
  • To create the virtue of empathy,
  • In controlling emotions (such as fear, anger, anxiety, disgust, etc.),
  • To take a decision,
  • In problem-solving.

What Is Life Skill

  Life skills are those positive or conditioned behaviours. With the help of this, we can face or overcome the challenges and difficulties that come in our daily life. All these are called life skills. Life skills are practical abilities that help meet life’s challenges and demands. Through this, qualities like self-knowledge, experimental observation, creative thinking, and decision-making ability develop in a person.

Life skills are practical abilities that help a human to mature self-knowledge, effective communication, creative thinking, decision-making ability, balancing emotions, etc. Life skills are abilities that help a person meet the challenges and demands of everyday life. At present, education is focused only on intellectual development, whereas the aim of education is the round development of personality. That’s why life skill education is considered necessary. Jeevan Kaushal is also known as Daily Life Skills Cervical Skills.

Life skill education is necessary for the overall development of children.

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Life Skills Approach/Goals – (Life Skills Approach/Goals)

change in behaviour

To increase knowledge.

To develop interpersonal skills – which will help youth to make better choices,

Develop the ability to face negativity, and avoid risky behaviour.

Life Skill Definition

Life skills are practical abilities that help a human being to mature in self-awareness, effective communication, creative thinking, decision-making ability, balancing emotions, etc.

According to WHO– “Life skills are those abilities for targeted and positive behaviour. With this help, a person faces the challenges and demands of his life.

According to UNICEF – “Skill is that process of behaviour change and developmental behaviour. A person establishes a balance between the three areas of his life – knowledge, attitude, and skills.

According to Myers – “Life skill is a non-formal education taught outside the school.”

Life Skill Education

Life skill education under W.H.O. Includes social and psychological skills. Through these skills, a person can bring changes in his behaviour. These life skills are needed for good health and good education. With the help of these life skills, we can get changes in our behaviour.

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Types of 10 Basic Life Skills given by the World Health Organization

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Creative Thinking
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Effective Communication
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Empathy
  7. Decision Making
  8. Coping With Stress
  9. Interpersonal Relationship
  10. Coping With Emotion
  1. Self Awareness

Through self-awareness or self-awareness, one recognizes the power within oneself. Through self-awareness, a person gets knowledge about his strength and his weaknesses. Through this, he understands himself, and if the person remains aware, he can solve his problems. Through self-awareness, a person tries to understand himself and other people.

 (2) Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is also called creative thinking. People with creative thinking think about anything differently. And then work, they have new ways to do any work. And they accomplish work in different ways.

 (3) Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is also called analysis. Analytical thinking helps us in decision-making in daily life. All actions make sense in critical thinking. In this, a person concludes through thorough contemplation. What is right and what is wrong in analytical thinking works by seeing all the qualities.

 (4) Effective Communication

Communication means sharing your thoughts. Under practical observation, a person presents his idea to another so that the person in front is impressed by his vision. Expressing your point of view to the person in front of you without hurt. A person makes his proper relation only by affected communication.

 (5) Problem Solving

According to Brown- “Problem-solving involves the effort to perform or select various responses so that the desired goal can be achieved.”

Many problems arise in front of a person, solving an issue, someone’s fight, sometimes an argument between two persons, taking the right decision and solving the problem is a skill.

(6) Empathy

   Empathy is made up of two words which mean understanding the experience of another.

Under compassion, a person understands the problems and feelings of other people. When someone is in trouble, the person understands the situation by putting himself in the place of others. And tries to remove his problems. In empathy, individuals share each other’s self or feelings.

 (7) Decision Making

Sometimes such opportunities come in front of a person in life. In which he has to choose one thing. In such a situation, the person decides either one. It is also a person’s Skill to make decisions in such a way that he feels right. Always take the decision calmly, thinking that by being emotional, otherwise, you will feel sad about your decision later.

  (8) Coping With Stress

Every person, whether big or small, is sometimes in a state of tension. Along with the body, stress also affects our minds and brain. Under pressure, the power of thinking, understanding, and concentration decreases. But to develop this Skill, to get rid of stress, daily exercise, morning walk, listening to music, doing yoga, taking a balanced diet, etc. habits help reduce stress.

 (9) Interpersonal Relationship

An interpersonal or interpersonal relationship is a relationship between two or more people and groups. These relationships help us to deal with the people around us positively. Interpersonal relationships depend based on social relationships in a person. A person with a good interpersonal relationship is friendly.

 (10) Coping With Emotion

Emotion is such a state of mind or excitement of a person. In the is sometimes sad, sometimes angry, and occasionally happy. A person should always keep his feelings and emotions from dominating the time. Whenever negative emotions contaminate us, we should bring positive feelings like joy, happiness, and joy into our minds.

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Features of Life Skills Management

  • To help a person solve the problems of life and manage them properly.
  • To develop self-awareness that enables one to solve problems.
  • Developing the person’s creative thinking paves new ways to work.
  • Life Skills To enable you to express your opinion without hurting the other person through effective communication.

Primary Purpose Of Life Skill

To develop your abilities according to the challenges and demands in daily life.

4 Pillars Of Education By UNESCO

  1. self-learning skills
  2. manual skills
  3. social skills
  4. the Skill of being oneself
  • The original meaning of the word emotional – is understanding other people
  • emotional intelligence is learned through practice or effort


Meaning: Abhipreran is the Hindi adaptation of English Motivation. It is derived from the Latin word “Motum” / “Mover”, which means to give motion. That is, motivation is the factor that works to increase the force, enthusiasm, and power to do any work.

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