What is ICT & the importance of ICT?

( ICT ) Information and Communication Technology । ICT full form। ICT meaning। ICT ka full form

This era is modern, and in this modern age, everyone needs technology. And in almost many places, technology has increased its expansion a lot. There are many areas where work becomes very difficult without technology. Technology was created so that it can do the work of humans very easily and simply so that humans can save a lot of time. Technology has made a lot of progress, especially in the education department in the last 10 years. Many big scientists say that without technology our future will be very incomplete because without technology we cannot do anything in the future.

 That is why in today’s article, we have brought a new topic for you named Information and Communication Technology, in which we will give you complete and detailed information about it. If you also like to know information, not like this, then you should visit this website daily, with the help of which you will get to learn something new every day. So let’s start:-

What is ICT?

 As soon as you hear the name ICT, a question must have come to your mind what is ICT? ICT ka full form information and communication technology. For example, if it is said in pure Hindi, then information and communication technology is said to be so. With the help of this technology, you can easily convey your thoughts here and your feelings to others, that too in a very short time.

With the help of ICT, you can exchange your thoughts very easily, in which you can easily convey your thoughts and feelings to another person. Many devices come under Information and Technology such as- Radio, television, computer, projector, mobile phone, tablets, and many such things which we use in our daily life.

 Information technology has established its dominance, especially in the education department, because ICT has a very important and responsible role in the education department. With the use of this technology, we can make education accessible to people in a very simple and easy way. So what is ICT? But now we will know its importance and need.

Need and importance of ICT

In this way, ICT has a very important and very big role in life. In human life, ICT has not become a commodity but has become a part of human life. Because without it human life becomes incomplete. Take any field in human life and see that without information and communication technology, that area is quite incomplete.

 Let us now know what is the importance of ICT in human life.

Importance of ICT

Although ICT has a lot and many importance in human life we cannot take all, but we have taken the importance of what is necessary for you:-

 ICT plays a very important role in gathering the attention of the students in one place.

 ICT also plays an important role in the education department for children to read easily and teachers to teach easily.

 In a crisis like Corona, what you studied through online education was done through ICT, if there was no ICT today, then you would not be able to study online sitting at home, due to which your 2 to 3 years are wasted comfortably.

Students who face difficulty in memorizing the syllabus can easily and easily memorize the entire syllabus in their minds with the help of ICT. Which is being used in large quantities in foreign countries, soon in India too this technology will be adopted in all schools.

With the help of this, children do not get bored while studying and they feel like studying, due to which they get a lot of motivation in studies.

We have learned what is the importance and need of ICT, but now they also have some drawbacks which you need to know.

ICT drawbacks

By the way, there are a few drawbacks of ICT, some of which are as follows:-

The most important and big drawback of ICT is that its equipment is in high demand, with the help of which the common man cannot buy it, such as projector, internet connection, machine and many other things. An ordinary family cannot afford it.

ICT is used in very few places, the help of which not everyone is aware of it, that is why it is expanding very slowly in India.

This technology is also being used to carry out many wrong activities, such as many cybercrimes being done with the help of this technology, which is very important to stop.

 Because technology has many advantages and disadvantages as well, it completely depends on our thinking and use.


In today’s article, we learned what is ICT and what are its advantages and disadvantages. It is a very beneficial technology whose benefit helps humans to a great extent, but we should use it at the right place and at the right time. Putting it in the wrong hands, this technology can take a terrible form, which may have to bear the brunt of humans in the future. So from now on the misuse of this technology should be stopped, due to which there is less possibility of loss.

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