Strong Taiwan earthquake
Taiwan's AIPEI (AP) — On Sunday, a powerful
jolted a large portion of Taiwan,
Strong Taiwan earthquake
toppling a three-story building and
briefly trapping four
people inside, stranding 400
Strong Taiwan earthquake
tourists on a mountaintop, and
a portion of a passenger train off its tracks.
Strong Taiwan earthquake
In this image from the Hualien County Fire Department,
firemen are seen looking for trappe
d victims
Strong Taiwan earthquake
in a collapsed residential structure on Sunday,
September 18, 2022, in Yuli Township,
Hualien County, eastern Taiwan
Strong Taiwan earthquake
Sunday, a powerful earthquake struck a
large portion of
Taiwan, upending at least one structure
Strong Taiwan earthquake
trapping two people inside, and
causing damage
to part of a passenger train that was
Strong Taiwan earthquake
stopped at a station. (AP) via Hualien County
Fire Department
According to Associated Press
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